Wednesday, August 1, 2012

The next day

The next day.

I went to work at Heibon as always, and looked after the shop behind the counter.

Ow ow......

Sometimes a headache ran and I massaged the inner corners of my eyes with an index finger and a thumb.

Today my head had felt heavy since morning.

Although I took the medicine after breakfast....... did I catch a cold?

Mr. Haga: "Aoba-kun, I'd like to ask you to do a little delivery."

I heard rattling noises from the back of the store, and then Mr. Haga's voice.

"Ah, I'll help,"

When I tried to stand up, my legs were unsteady. I put my hand on the counter in a hurry.

"Aoba-kun, are you alright?"

"Sorry, I feel a little dizzy."

"Please sit down. I can do it. Huuun! Ha! Hiiya!"

Mr. Haga: "Huuh."


Mr. Haga: "Hm? What's the matter, Aoba-kun."

"Aah, no, I just thought that was awesome."

Mr. Haga: "Oh that was nothing, hahaha."

Bonjin-kun: "Cleaning, cleaning"

Mr. Haga's Allmate Bonjin-kun arrived and whirled around him.

Mr. Haga: "Aah, Bonjin-kun. Please take care of the back."

Bonjin-kun: "Back, back"

Bonjin-kun returned to the back of the shop.

Mr. Haga: "Oh yeah. Could I ask you to deliver this item for me?"

Mr. Haga took out a small paper bag out of his pocket.

Mr. Haga: "The order came in the dead of night from yesterday's visitor, it is specified as special delivery."

When I saw the slip of the paper bag, I saw that the address was in the same east district. It was indeed faster to deliver this directly.

Mr. Haga: "Since the contractor of the supplier will come soon, I cannot leave the shop. I am sorry"

"It's okay. I'll leave right away."

Mr. Haga: "Thank you very much."

Mr. Haga smiled and walked towards the stairs to the basement.

My head was still heavy. ..... But it's my job. I had to try my best.

With one hand I hit my head lightly, pumped up myself, and let out a short breath.

I took my bag containing Ren which I had left near me, and left the shop with the paper bag.

"Hmm, was it faster to go this way."


I walked the Aoyagi street while having Ren navigate.

In this quiet road between buildings, a familiar tag art was drawn here and there on the walls.

Benishigure. Koujaku's team.

Rib teams claim their territory by drawing their tag art. This area was Koujaku's team's territory.

The size of Koujaku's team is not very big. Rather, there's not much awareness of Koujaku participating in Rib.

Because he is popular among women, he irritates many guys. He fights very often.

But, he has never lost.

Before he was aware, many male fans followed him because of his consecutive victories, and a team was formed just like that.

Still, because he is taking care of them without being cruel, I think his character also sells out very well.

If you rely on him, you can't really complain.

Because lots of team members gather because they adore the leader, they come to resemble the leader somehow.

Maybe because of that, here in Benishigure's territory there are lots of men wearing Japanese clothes without a hakama.

If you just glance at them they may look evil, but they're all good guys.

They help old ladies with heavy luggage, or they look for a missing child's parents.

That's why Benishigure's popularity is pretty high in the old resident district. This is also thanks to Koujaku.... perhaps.

"Yo, Aoba."


I exchanged a greeting with a member I'm acquainted with.

What the members were talking happily was a police officer.

Though the police officers in old resident district are fundamentally corrupt, depending on money or their mood there are parties that mingle with the islanders.

In Rib there are also guys who use them well to get information, or have them overlook some things.

Well, everyone is suitable.

As I kept walking on the street, I heard a voice that was in awfully high spirits from the front.

It was a group of three with one man and two women, the women snuggling up to the man and pushing and showing while walking.

"Oh, stop it, silly Koujaku-san~"

"But I love that part of you too!"



....... I knew it.

As expected, walking sandwiched between to women, was Koujaku.

I didn't want to bump into him in this situation.......

That's what I thought, but since they were coming from the front, I couldn't avoid them.

Koujaku: "Oh, if it isn't Aoba."

".......... Hi there."

Koujaku's face was drawn into a cheerful smile.

"Aoba, Ren doing okay?"

Flying next to Koujaku was his Allmate, Beni. Ren's face peeped out of the bag.

"I am here."

"Hoo, I see."

"Oh~ Is this a friend of Koujaku-san?"

The women glanced at me with judging eyes.

Koujaku: "Yeah, a childhood friend."

"Oh is that so~ This boy~?"

Well sorry. For amazing Koujaku-san's childhood friend to be like this.

Even though we call ourselves childhood friends, it's not like we were always together when we were small.

Originally Koujaku was from the mainland, and came to this island with his mother.

He was in the island for about 3, 4 years, and returned to the mainland with his mother again.

Then there was a little vacant period, and about three years ago Koujaku suddenly came back alone.

Though I was surprised when he came back because he had become quite sturdy, the face and gestures when he laughed, and the way he speaks hadn't changed at all.

Then we started to hang around again, and he often comes to visit my home to eat grandma's home made cooking.

Koujaku: "What now, what's the matter with you."

"What do you mean?"

Koujaku: "Your condition looks pretty bad."

"! ........ it's nothing, really."

Koujaku: "Really? That's good then."

While pretending to be calm, inwardly I was quite surprised. I certainly still had a small headache.

Was I making that kind of face?

Koujaku: "Are you on a delivery?"

"Yup. Unlike somebody else."

When I said that sarcastically on purpose, the women standing on both sides reacted before Koujaku.

"Well! It's not like Koujaku-san is playing around!?"

"Yeah, even now he's only escorting us during his work."


Koujaku: "Oh don't say that. It's true that when I'm with such cute ladies, I can't get any work."


"Oh, Koujaku-san!"

Every single time, saying lines that, wouldn't it get someone's teeth on the edge.......

"It's shameful for a man to refuse a woman when she offers herself to him, right?"

Koujaku: "Exactly. Women are the treasures of the world. They are soft and tender, and gently embrace a man. That's why cherishing women is a man's duty. Am I right?"

Koujaku put his arms around the women's shoulders.


"I could die happily right now!"


"......Well then, I'll be going then."

"Hm? Wait a minute. Hey!"

When I was completely disgusted and was going to leave, I was hailed by one of the women.

"Here, I knew it. There was some dirt on you."

The woman's skinny fingers reached out and lightly dusted the collar of my jacket.

"Ah, thanks."

Koujaku: "As expected. I love thoughtful women."

"Hihihi. ...... Oh?"

The woman who was happy about being praised by Koujaku, looked at me as if she realized something.


"Looking closely, you have a long hair, don't you?"


"Oh, that's true. I didn't notice."

"Hihi, that's kinda cute."

"Looks like a woman's hair~"

While laughing teasingly, one of the women reached out her hand.

Option 1: Shake it off

Option 2: Hesitate

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