Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A burglar?!

Next morning, I carried grandma on my back again and took her to the neighboring hospital.

I thought I'd take the day off from my part-time job just in case, and called Mr. Haga.

Even if it was called a hospital, this is the old resident district. The facilities were old and small, there were few doctors and it was always crowded.

It was wearing out here and there, and it couldn't be complimented to be sanitary either. But, all the people in the hospital were kind.

They knew grandma from earlier and when I called, they said to come immediately.

Although grandma hated going to the hospital saying she can take care of herself, today she obediently received the medical examination.

Perhaps she had been enduring the pain because of pride.

Because they said her hip wasn't that bad and it could be treated at home, I carried grandma home after the examination.

When I laid grandma on a futon and drew a breath, she said that she'd only sleep so I should go to my job already.

Although I was still worried, once grandma begins speaking, she won't hear it.

When I talked with Mr. Haga on the phone, and he said it was okay if I can come as soon as possible for now, I decided to go the shop.


When I acted as a salesclerk while feeling somewhat uneasy, I got an email.

It was from Koujaku.

The mail:


I met Mizuki, but something seemed strange. Even if I talked to him he was absent-minded and wouldn't react. If he has any worries I think you're a better listener.

If you have time, contact him. I'll come talk about the details later.


Because Koujaku wrote such an email, something must be really strange.

Maybe he's overdoing it too much after all........

I left the counter, walked towards the toilet and called Mizuki.



"Hello? Mizuki?"

Mizuki: ".....Aoba, huh. What's the matter?"

Good, he answered the phone. I felt a little relieved.

"Ah, no, there's no any particular reason, I just wanted to talk."

Mizuki: "What, we just met yesterday. You're a strange guy."

"Nn~ naah. I was wondering if you're okay."

Mizuki: "Of course I am. Why?"

"Because when we met yesterday, I thought you didn't seem so well. Just a little, though."

Mizuki: "So you called because you were worried. Thank you. But I'm okay."


Mizuki: "Yeah."

"I see. Well then, let's talk some more next time."

Mizuki: "Right. Bye then."



After the call, I sighed while going back to the counter.

There was no ambition in Mizuki's voice after all.

Because he said he was okay, I didn't listen too deeply though......

Grandma's falling happened too, the worry inside me grew even larger.

I hope they are just imaginary fears........

I spent afternoon time worrying about Mizuki and grandma and being unable to concentrate on work.

When I came back home after the part-time job, I tried to open the lock on the front door while being a little restless.

I wonder if grandma has behaved herself?

......... However, I stopped my hand halfway.

Something's strange.


The feeling when I inserted the key was different. ................. Don't tell me.

"............ It was open."

The door was not locked.

Did I go out without locking it again...........

"Too dangerous, grandma's inside.......... what do I do if something has happened."

Though the local connection in this neighborhood was strong, since the security was bad, thieves entering houses was nothing uncommon.

While I was sick of my own forgetfulness, I entered the house and listened carefully.

............ There didn't seem to be any signs of people.

I took off my shoes, entered the corridor and went straight to grandmas room.

When I opened the door quietly and peeped inside, I saw grandma sleeping buried in the futon.

It seems nothing happened.........

I heaved a sigh of relief and returned to the corridor.


I stopped going up the stairs.

Something....... felt strange.

It was quiet in the house because grandma was sleeping, there's nothing particularly strange.

Was it my imagination?

I twisted my neck, went up the stairs and opened the door to my room.

.......... There I learned that I wasn't wrong when I felt strange.

"......... Wha-what is this........"

I'm not bragging, my room wasn't particularly clean.

There were books and magazines piled up on the floor, and also there were many things I just left there because cleaning them up was bothersome.

But...... I didn't remember it being this dirty.

The room was a desolated mess like a storm had hit it.

There was no place left to stand. Everything was pulled out, even the table was turned over.

And, among them was something which released a particularly strong sense of incongruity.

............. An unknown back was sitting in front of the computer monitor. And pretty grandly too.

What came in mind in this situation, was only that.

What I feared earlier, just that.


"What are you doing in other people's room!"

The figure in front of the computer looked up slowly like he just realized I was there.

It was a completely unfamiliar face I had never seen before. was he about the same age as me?

Boy: "Welcome home."

"Haa..........!? Who are you. Why are you in my room......."

Boy: "By the way,"

He ignored me who was trembling with anger, and tapped on the keyboard with his middle finger.

"Oi! Don't touch that without permission!"

Boy: "The data inside, I don't get it at all. What's this supposed to be."

Boy: "Even the Allmate remodeling program here is complicated. Who the heck are you."

"Like I care! Just get out!"

Boy: "................."

The boy laughed through his nose like looking down on me, and stood up.

Boy: "Say, you. Don't you know who I am?"


Boy: "I think you know, though."

".............. I don't know you at all. You're mistaking me for someone else, right?"

Boy: ".................."

The boy gazed into my eyes and opened his mouth slowly.

Boy: "At this occasion, I am extremely honored to welcome you."

Boy: "Well then, let's have an enjoyable game."


............... I've heard that somewhere before.

What? Where was it. A very unpleasant feeling is.......

Boy: "Still don't know?"

The boy took something out of his trouser pocket.

It was something full of rabbit heads........ a key chain.


This guy...........

Satisfied with my reaction, the boy dropped the key chain and looked at me.

Boy: "It was a pretty entertaining staging, wasn't it. Misdirected home delivery and all."

"! Were you the tsujigiri back then? And the home delivery........."

"Was it you who ordered from us?"

Boy: "Yeah. When I investigated various things I found out you worked there, I thought I'd have you come to me."

Boy: "Because I paid beforehand, it didn't cause any loss for your shop, right?"

"...... that's not the problem."

I recalled the face of Mr. Haga being completely at a loss, and anger welled up.

Boy: "By the way. It was like that before too, but....... When we did Rhyme, what did you do?"

"What are you talking about."

Boy: "Don't feign ignorance. I'm asking how you beat me."

"......Beat you?"

During that tsujigiri thing, did I beat this guy? I can't remember......

Boy: "Are you deaf, say something."

"No. ............ I don't remember."

Boy: "Ha?"

"During that Rhyme, how it turned out in the end..... I can't remember at all."

Boy: "..................."

The boy frowned a little, and immediately went back to a straight face.

Boy: "And that's how you try to escape."



Suddenly he grabbed me by my coat collar, and pressed me against the wall.

This guy was strong despite his appearance..........!

Boy: "Then I'll use force. It seems to be the most effective way for you."

", let me go!"

Boy: "You really don't remember?"

"I don't remember!"

Boy: ".................."

The boy stared into my eyes intently like trying to find something.

Boy: "You, fight me again in Rhyme."

"Ha? I don't know how to do Rhyme, ............ugh."

I was pressed against the wall even more strongly.

Boy: "You still saying that?"

Boy: "Then I'll destroy what's important to you."


Boy: "I know what's important to you. Really well at that."

The boy's eyes looked at the computer suggestively.

What this guy was talking about was probably............ Ren.

It was not a threat. If I don't accept, he's really gonna do it.

Such a dangerous air spread deeply.

But, even then I didn't feel like fighting him in Rhyme.

And I was beginning to get angry at this guys irresponsible behavior.

Option 1: Fight back

Option 2: Are you a brat!

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