Sunday, August 19, 2012

It's raining men

"Good morning."

"Good morning."

The next day, when I went to work at Heibon as usual, Mr. Haga had to organize the stock.

I left my bag beind the counter, took down Ren and went to Mr. Haga immediately.

I have to properly apologize for yesterday.....


Mr. Haga: "Yes?"

"I'm sorry about yesterday's delivery."

Mr. Haga: "Eh? Aah, no no, don't worry about it anymore...."

Saying that, his face clouded. I was surprised to see it.

Could it be..... after that, when he contacted the customer, he got scolded badly?

If so, it's my fault.

"Um, I'm really sorry. I would like to apologize to the customer too if possible...."

Mr. Haga: "Aaa, un. About that."

Mr. Haga pushed up his glasses with a troubled face.

Mr. Haga: "Since yesterday's delivery was done with pre-payment, I wanted to ask if he wanted a refund or a re-delivery, and tried to contact him in various ways."

Mr. Haga: "I even tried to contact the control center, but it was completely useless."


Mr. Haga: "Yes. I couldn't contact him at all. Since the sender and recipient were the same I tried checking the address, but a person with a completely different name lived there......"

Mr. Haga: "And he said he didn't remember ordering any goods."

"In other words, was it a prank?"

Mr. Haga: "It is very likely. But I don't know why anyone would want to do such a thing."


Even if I said it was a prank, it was already paid, and it would only be a loss for the other party.

If that's the case, why do such a thing?

I tilted my head together with Mr. Haga.

Mr. Haga: "I hope everything goes smoothly but..... it does not feel fine somehow."


Moreover, I...... was dragged into Rhyme during that delivery.

While suspicion drifted in the air, suddenly it had become time to open the shop.

Mr. Haga: "Oops, have to work."

Mr. Haga hurried out of the shop.

I felt somehow unpleasant.... but I didn't understand it even if I thought about it, so it couldn't be helped.

"Alright. I have some work to do too."

I decided to change my mood and returned to the counter.

The morning passed with no incidents in particular, and after finishing lunch break, afternoon service started.

Since Mr. Haga went out, only I was in the shop.

"Yes........ yes. Well then, we look forward to hearing from you again."

After finishing an incoming call from a customer, I took a breather.

Since he reacted to my voice with the usual pattern, I was able to sell many things this time too.

It seemed like he was one of those who had called before, and he was reluctant to hang up the phone, so it was a little troublesome.

While I was disgusted by the excited voice that still remained in my ear, the doorbell rang.

Oh, a customer?

I removed my elbow that was on the counter and straightened myself.

Kio: "Hiya, Aoba."

Nao: "Aoba, we came to plaaaaaay."

Mio: "Hmph."

"......... So it was you guys."

I thought it was a customer, but the ones that came in were the evil brat siblings.

I let out a pretentious sigh, rested my elbows on the counter again and glared at the kids sharply.

When these kids arrived it wasn't a good thing.

"You came to do bad things again. Go home already."

Kio: "Aoba's annoying."

Nao: "Annnoyiiiiing."

Mio: "You just shut your trap okay, Aoba?"


Those brats.......

The brats found Bonjin-kun immediately and began chasing him.

Mio: "Ah, it's here!"

Nao: "Wait up, wait uuup!"

Kio: "Catch it!"

Bonjin-kun: "C, Cleaning!"

The targeted Bonjin-kun escaped confusedly.

Bonjin-kun was quite a clever Allmate, so he could move unexpectedly fast and his evasion ability was high too.

In other words, if you tried to catch him, it was not so easy. That's what seemed to feed the brats interest.

"Hey hey hey hey, Don't run!

Nao: "Ah, come on-"

Kio: "Wait!"

Mio: "Catch it already!"

Nao: "Come ooooooooooooooooooooooooon!!!"

Bonjin-kun: "C-Cleaning! Cleaninining!!!"

Ah, the shelf is shaking unsteadily.....

That cardboard seems like it's about to fall.....


It should be fine to stop this by force.

Or that's what I thought, but I was one step late.



"No waaaay! Something broooooke!"


"Don't you "it broke!" me!"

"You brats!!"

Kio: "Waaah! Aoba got angry!"

Nao: "Angryyy!!"

Mio: "I hate quick-tempered men!"

"Shut up! ......You! Hey! You too!"

I caught the escaping trio by the neck, dragged them to the door and threw them out.



"How cruel! You're the worst!"

"Shut up shut uuuup. When you make an adult angry, it's scaaaary."

I put my hands on my hips and took a  "teacher scolding a child" pose while glaring at the brats.

"Geez, always doing bad things. Try reflecting a little. And go home already."

Kio: "So annoying! Shut up idiot!"

Nao: "Stupid Aoba!"

Mio: "You're so lame, geezer!"


"........You guys......."

".......... Just listen to me alreadyyyyy!!!!"


When I went berserk and yelled, the brats escaped in an instant.

Aa, damn. Even if I do say so myself, I'm not popular at all....

If those kids would have even a little bit of cute in them.........

And, I have to clean the mess they left.....


....... Hm? What?

Just now I heard a noise.....


Aoba: "Uwaa!?"

S-Suddenly something fell down!

Aoba: "......................"

...........What fell from the sky was apparently a human.

But..... a human.... from the sky?

Observing the physique, he appeared to be a boy. I couldn't see his face because he was lying face down.

Could it be.... he isn't dead, right........?

Boy: "U- uuun..."

Aoba: "!"

The boy moaned and got up.

He's alive.....

Although I was relieved, I was frozen solid immediately again.

..... he doesn't have a face?

No, that's not it. He's wearing a gas mask.

"......Aa, I was surprised."

The boy scratched his hair and looked around frantically.

He seemed to be fine but..... isn't he injured or something?

And why is he wearing a mask.

Coming from above is weird, and no matter how you looked at him he seemed obviously suspicious.

While I was petrified, the gasmask turned and faced towards me.


I stopped blinking and breathing by reflex.

Don't come over here......

Please ignore me and go somewhere else.....

..... Wishing that was futile, and the gasmask approached briskly.

Boy: "Master, I am okay."



Boy: "I heard master's voice so I came."

...........What is he saying? This guy.

Boy: "Is something wrong?"

"No um...... I think you're mistaking me for someone else."

Boy: "Mistaking you for someone else?"

"I'm not anyone's master."

Boy: "No, master is master."

"I said you're wrong. I don't even know you."

Boy: "That's not true. I'm the one who carried you here yesterday, Clear."

"Carried me yesterday?"

Yesterday, now that you mention it......

After the Rhyme, I had been lying here for some reason.

"Don't tell me.... it was you who dragged me into Rhyme?"

That rabbit head had his face covered, and I felt like the clothes were similar too.

Clear: "No, that was not me. But I thought that master was master and I carried you here."


............ His story didn't quite make sense.

Clear: "I heard master's voice yesterday."

Clear: "Destruction and death."

"......... Eh?"

I've heard that somewhere.......

"Why do you know those words..... gh!?"

Suddenly the gasmask took hold of my both cheeks and pulled them right and left.

"Ow ow! that hurts!"

Clear: "Master is different from yesterday. It's hard to explain what, but if I had to say something, I remember the face and voice being scruffier."

While pinching my cheeks, the gasmask kept turning my head.

Who is this guy!?

"It hurts! Let go!"

Clear: "Yes."

The gasmask rapidly released his hands.

Damn, it hurts..... What's with this guy.......!

Pinching without holding back, it tingles.

While I rubbed my cheeks with watery eyes, the gasmask tilted his head.

Clear: "I'll ask again but, you really are master, right?"

"I've said you're wrong!"

Clear: "That's not the case."


I was quietly irritated, and took a deep breath in order to calm myself.

Calm down...... if you let your pace be disturbed here, it's just what he wants.

If this guy really is the rabbit head from yesterday, I have to catch him and ask various things.

Now he seemed like an idiot, but if he gets angry wouldn't his true nature come out?

Although I can't do it in Rhyme, but if this becomes a fight in the real world, I'd manage somehow.

Let's try irritating him a little......



As soon as I yelled, I threw a kick at the opponent's ass.


Clear: "Aaa!"

The gasmask leaned back and held his buttocks with both hands.

Clear: "Please master....... stop it!!!"



The gasmask sinked and fell down.

"Please stop, master....... I can't...... break anymore than this.


....... Yeah.

This guy is not him. Definitely not him.

I'll just finish here quickly and return to work.

"Anyway I'm not your master. I have work to do so I'll go back. Bye."

Clear: "What should I do?"

"Return where you came from!"

Clear: "Understood."

The gasmask nodded obediently, and rustled his pocket with his right hand.

What he took out was......

........ whip! A vinyl umbrella.

Option 1: Why an umbrella?

Option 2: Are you a magician?

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