Friday, August 3, 2012


Ren jumped in front of me when I missed the chance to escape.



"Ren, are you okay!?"




"Ngh...... U, Aa......!"


"My, head........."


"..........ngh.......... ugh"


Aoba: "Ren, 'JUBILATION', set."

Ren: "Aoba?"

Aoba: "Do it already."

Ren: "............."

Ren: ".......Understood."


"........Tsh. You've gotta be kidding me."

"His Allmate is an old model without armor. ....... Is he underestimating me."

"He doesn't have almost anything, he's completely screwing with us!"

"......... Let's just finish this quickly."

Rabbit: "................."






"Confirmed enemy attack! 3 Losses! Durability decreased by 12!"

"........ That guy."



"Just now.... what did I.....?"

"Ren, what was that......"

Ren: "Aoba gave me instructions to attack."

"Attack? How can that be. I don't know any attacks......"

"But a little while ago.... I had a feeling my mouth was moving on its own........"

Ren: "Aoba, he's coming again."

Ren: "Instructions."

"Even if you say that........."


"But if I don't, we're in trouble, right........"

"Just like earlier........"






"....... Ren........ Defence."

Ren: "Understood."

"'DEMOLISH' set!"



".........! hn, this is bad!"


"Main body of enemy's defense wall, 100% damage!"

".......... I guess it was useless to expect more."

"Let's go."

"Withdrawal! Withdrawal!"

"........ No it's not! Wait!"

"Main body of enemy's defense wall, recovering at amazing speed!"

"40, 50......... 70, 90!"

"........What's this supposed to mean."



"What happened......?"

Zzzzt Zzzzt

"Alert! Alert! Danger! Danger!"



"...... Destruction and death."

"............ ngh........." My head hurts........

What..... what could have happened.......

".......Aa, ow ow.........."

I..... seem to have fallen on the ground somehow.

I endured the pain in my whole body, gathered strength to both arms and got up.

My feet were staggering and I almost fell again, but I managed to stay up somehow.

"Hurts..... but..... how did it turn out....."

I pressed my forehead with one hand and tried to arrange the confused memories.


I was suddenly dragged into Rhyme during a delivery, and a weird rabbit head.....


"....... I'm in front of the shop?"

I've seen it every day so I can't be wrong.

I was..... standing in front of Heibon.

But, why? I should have gone out for a delivery......

When I looked around, a lump of blue hair was lying on the ground.


I ran up to him immediately and embraced him. There's no reaction.

I pushed Ren's head lightly and tried calling him.

Aoba: "Ren, oi!"

Ren: "......Aoba."

After a little pause, Ren opened his eyes.

Seeing that, I was relieved from the bottom of my heart.

Aoba: "Are you okay?"

Ren: "There are no big problems in particular."

Aoba: "Really? You're not broken anywhere?"

Ren: "Some of the data is damaged."

Aoba: "Isn't that a problem enough!"

Ren should also have received damage in the Rhyme with the rabbit head.

"I'll examine you once we get home okay?"

"To be on the safe side, please do."

"Yeah. And it feels like some data in my brain is also damaged~...."

"I remember fighting with the rabbit head, but how did it turn out."

"It is also from there that my data is damaged."

"I see.....  Wait a minute, I'll try to remember."

I endured the headache, closed my eyes and searched my memory.

But, the more I did it, the more I felt like the memories went further away.

"....... Useless. I can't remember at all......"

"There's nothing we can do about it."

"Really? Why?"

"If general man's storage capacity is assumed to be 100, Aoba's capacity would be....."

"Are we really having that conversation here and now? ......Ah...."


"Hu......huh? I'm, getting kinda dizzy....."

".....Ren, you..... since when did you have eight legs....."

Ren: "Aoba!"

Aoba: ".............."

What's this....

Everything in front of me is spinning.....

Which is the ground, somehow I.......

Ren: "Wait a little."

Ren ran somewhere.

Ren's back figure seemed like there was three of them, and I laughed inadvertently.

Haha, that's strange.....

Ren had, three heads.....

........ My consciousness broke off there.

Next: Relaxing

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