Sunday, July 22, 2012

Delivery Works

Specialized in transportation, "Delivery Works."

When I entered through the automatic doors which had a huge sign on them, I was greeted by the smiling face of Yoshie-san who was at the reception desk.

"Welcome~ Oh, Aoba-chan. Hello~"

"Thank you as always."

I bowed lightly and put the paper bag on the counter.

A small dog which had hanging glossy hair was sitting proudly on the counter, and watched closely at my movements.

It was this shops sign dog, Yoshie-san's Allmate, Kurara.

"I'd like to send this, please."

"Yes, yes. I'll take care of it~"

With experienced hands Yoshie-san checked the address and pushed a button that was close.

A box next to the counter opened, and she threw the paper bag in there.

The courier is a transportation service which sends packages immediately anywhere in the old resident district.

Despite some areas of Kojima, it's not by any means a distance that a person can walk around in one day.

Therefore, in this town where the means of transportation are inconvenient, it's very useful.

...... Now then. With this, my work for today is finished.

"Well, I'll be going now."

"Aoba-chan, are you going back to the shop after this?"

"No, I'm going home for today. Boss is closing the shop early, so he said  once I'm done with this I can go home."

"Oh! Is that so~ Isn't that nice~ Because doesn't the last episode of 'If it's Dan' air today? You can watch it real-time~!"

"Dan? What's that?"

"No way! Didn't I just tell you the other day!"

"Ah, did you... umm... what was it again?"

"It's a drama, dra-ma! 'Goodbye with a cheek dance'! Today it's finally decided who will be the partner!"

"I'm definitely thinking that Kaiser Matsuoka would be perfect! That fresh smile is absolutely beautiful, can't get enough~!"


Yoshie-san was wrapping her hair around her finger round and round, and was absent-minded with eyes like a girl in love.

Well... she's not a bad person.

"Well, I'll be taking my....."

"Speaking of which~ Aoba-chan have you heard? You know, that story, that story. I think you may not know~"

Yoshie-san seemed to be quite serious and drawed her eyebrows near while beckoning.

..... But she's not a bad person..........

I gave up and brought my face closer to Yoshie-san.

Though there were no other people in the shop, Yoshie-san started to speak in a whispering voice for some reason.

"You know, 'Hyougadani' in north? That dangerous district."

"It wasn't a good rumor from the start, but recently I've heard dangerous rumors~"


"There seems to be a team where the leader is a super diabolical condemned criminal!"

"Aa, Scratch, was it. Some dangerous party seems to be appearing frequently recently."

"Yeah yeah, the team seems to be completely made of prisoners."

"If I remember right, even before that there were stories about people getting kidnapped, or buildings being destroyed, right?"

"That sure is scary~ You can't even walk alone peacefully at night."

"And the police aren't reliable at all....... Not to mention they don't know what to do for us. Really, it's a hard world we live in~"

It's true that the police of the old resident district hardly function.

They don't care if crimes are committed. For example, when passing a police, if you get on his nerves even just a little bit you'll be punched, or in the worst case, arrested.

Just like Yakuza.

"A~ yuck. I want to go home soon too. Hey, what do I do if I'm attacked at the way home!?"


Yoshie-san sent me a meaningful look with sparkling eyes.

"........I, think you will be fine."

"What what, whaaaat~~~ Aoba-chan, how mean!"

"How dou you say I will be fine~~~~!"

"Ah, well I'm finished so. Good job today~"


When I tried to hurry to the exit, this time I was stopped by a different voice than Yoshie-chan.


"I wonder how the blue one is doing."

"Oh Kurara-chan. Did you miss Ren? That's right~ Kurara-chan is a very good friend of Ren-chan's~"

Yoshie-chan lifted Kurara in her arms, and looked at me with eyes full of expectation.

"Aaa, unfortunately I left him at home...."

"He's in that bag of yours, isn't he? Were you going to leave without saying hello to me?"

When she pressed me like that, I couldn't escape anymore.

I'm sorry Ren.... but endure it for a little while.

I took out Ren who was in sleep mode from the bag and tapped his head lightly to start him.

"Aoba. What's the matter."

"Ren. Umm, could you say hi to Kurara-chan."


Ren's tail and ears fell down.

In front of him was the cocky Kurara-chan held by Yoshie-san.


"What is it? He may still be asleep."

"....... How are you, Kurara."

"I'm fine, Ren."

Kurara wagged her tail joyfully. Yoshie-san also lowered the corners of her eyes and smiled.

"Really, Kurara-chan and Ren-chan are such good friends~"

"A, ahahaha...."

"Since the greetings are over, this time I really....."

"Aaa wait! Wait a minute Aoba-chan!"


"Just one thing! Wait just a minute! Sorry since you were going to leave!"


When I was freed from Yoshie-san and went out, It was night already.

"........Ren, good job there."

"If it can't be avoided, it can't be helped."

Ren crouched down in the bag wearily.

Kurara seemed to like Ren in such a manner, that when our eyes met he asked what to do.

Although the character of Allmates can be set to one's liking, it changes with each environment little by little.

As a result, a difference comes out in the chemistry between Allmates.

Ren seems to not like Kurara. But sorry for Ren, I think it's a bit entertaining.

"Are you alright too, Aoba."

"..... somehow."

After the last time I was stopped, I was treated to a cake that had a huge amount whipped cream on it, Yoshie-san had made it in a cooking class.

..... More accurately, I was forced to eat it all. thanks to that, now I had a severe heartburn.

"So, shall we go home....."

I patted Ren's back to encourage the fellow soldier who survived death, and I begun to walk towards home.

NEXT: Mizuki

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